Good Evening Neighbors,
Spring has sprung and it's time for new beginnings. We have 5 new members on the Board and I'm very excited to announce their new roles. But first, here is a summary of the 54th Annual Meeting, and I saved the best part for last. Board Meeting Opening Comments Pete Marsden, our outgoing Board President opened the meeting with a moment of silence honoring those who had passed since last year; Ginny Abrahamson, Peggy Downing, Sandy Morris and Richard Small. He also welcomed new community residents Steve Counsell. Ken Erler, Candice Miller and Jeanine Pyles. 2021 in Review Completed the neighborhood lamp post paint/repair initiative, replaced signs around the pool and spa areas, treated the restrooms and Ramada for termites and replaced the pool heater. ACC Report The ACC was formed several years ago after past boards kept seeing the need for this committee. Our ACC guidelines are based on our governing documents and what has been successful with other Villa Monterey's. Because we are in a Historical District, we have also adapted to their guidelines and have worked hard to help homeowners avoid unnecessary complications. The ACC continues to review requests to keep the continuity of our neighborhood and leaves it to each homeowner to follow up with the Historic District guidelines. If you have any questions regarding the ACC, please contact Suzie Cary at ACC request forms and step by step instructions can be found on our website Treasurer Report The Balances for each account as of March 12th is as follows: Business checking: $3,770.81 Savings: $35,026.090 Pool Reserve: $21,063.73 Secretary Report Real Estate: In 2021 a total of 7 homes sold. Average sale price was $429K. This is up from 6 homes and $415K average sales price in 2020. As of March 12th, one home has sold and one is under contract. New directory coming soon: We are printing a new directory and will distribute to your homes in early April. Contractor referral list coming soon: Late last year we invited residents to send us contractors they have used at their Villa Monterey residence. Any contractor that had at least 2 positive reviews from separate residents were then included on a list of 'trusted' vendors. VM6 resident Arlyne Haraburda has compiled the list and so far we have 9 vendors in landscaping, painting, electrical, tree trimming, roofing and plumbing. The list will be included in the new directory and posted on the website. Please continue sending contractor referrals to Arlyne at (note new email address). Any updates will be communicated through the monthly newsletter and website. 2022 Board Election I'm very excited to announce your new Officers, Directors and their roles: President and lamp post extraordinaire - Chip Schneider Vice President and ACC Chairperson - Suzie Cary Treasurer - Kari Holt Secretary - Sheilah Edmundson Director/Facilities Coordinator - Scott Boatwright Director/Event and Volunteer Coordinator - Susan Burnell Director/Real Estate Coordinator - Lori Huckle That's all for tonight.
Sheilah Edmundson
Hi Neighbors,
Deb Weinstein has made the decision to resign from the Board due to personal reasons, effective September 30th.
Over the past 3 years Deb has been a very active Board member. Most of you may know her as the 'Rat Lady' having spearheaded the Rat Patrol Program that significantly cut down the rat population in our neighborhood. She also initiated and worked with the City of Scottsdale Water Department to secure a $2,200 water rebate as a result of the front landscape renovations. The Board would like to sincerely thank Deb for her contributions to this community. We will all miss her.
We are therefore looking for someone to fill the 7th position on the Board. The position would be a Director and the term is until the Board election in mid-March 2022. If ever you were considering serving on the Board but were unsure of the commitment, then this short term opportunity is an excellent trial run for you. Of course if you decide to stay, you can then run for election next March.
Unlike the Board Officers, there are no assigned duties for Directors. Directors, depending on their interests and skills, help wherever they feel comfortable, add knowledge to conversations and attend monthly meetings. In summary, there are no special skills required, just a desire to serve this wonderful community.
The process to add an interim Board member is easy. Once a volunteer expresses interest to join the Board, then per our bylaws, the Board votes on adding the new member to serve until the next Board Election.
If you would like to volunteer and/or have questions, please contact our Board President, Pete Marsden
In closing I want to stress that having a strong Board is essential to the community. Maintaining 7 Board members not only allows us to accomplish more for the community, but also assures a succession plan so we can stay self managed. The reality is, in order to maintain our self managed status the community needs to keep fostering volunteerism among our residents so we do not need to employ a management company. It is because of the strong volunteerism and self management that we have been able to enjoy the lowest HOA dues of ALL 9 Villa Monterey communities.
Thank you,
Sheilah Edmundson
Hello Neighbors,
I would like to relay a story that some of you have become all too familiar with.
Since our daughter moved out Jim and I are adjusting quite well to our "empty nest." Wanting to capitalize on her vacancy, we decided to turn the upstairs bedroom into a reading and music room. Step one, which we thought would be quick and easy, was to give the room a new coat of cheery yellow paint. Easy, yes..but quick, not so much!
What should have taken one weekend, has now extended into three as we've only been able to procure one gallon of paint at a time due to a nationwide paint shortage. I've heard of shortages in other building supplies, but now paint too? Continuing with this theme, I recently received an email from my favorite clothing store apologizing for their lack of inventory due to "supply chain issues." Then the Board was informed that our new pool cover is being delayed until the first week in October, due to, you guessed it "supply chain issues."
Starting to sound familiar? I am feeling what I call patiently optimistic though. Jim will eventually get the room painted, I don't really need a new pair of jeans and the community pool will get it's new cover at least before the cooler nights get here. I am also hopeful that our neighbors who are trying to get storm repairs are coming along and will get them completed soon.
On to the updates:
Landscape Maintenance Reminder
While the rain has taken a break, Monsoon season is not over and there is still enough moisture in the air for weeds to thrive. Maintaining your property is not just for aesthetic reasons, it is also for security reasons as an unkept yard and carport can give the appearance that the home is unoccupied.
Homeowner's compliance with yard maintenance rules and regulations is an important issue for our community and will be on Tuesday's Board meeting agenda. The Board welcomes homeowner's thoughts on this subject.
Pool Open on Monday 9/13
Last month I reported the pool would be closed on Monday 9/13 due to the installation of the new pool cover. As mentioned above, this has now been delayed until the first week of October.
September Board Meeting
Our next Villa Monterey 6 BOD Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 14th at 6:00 pm in the Ramada. An agenda will be emailed to the community, posted in the pool breezeway and on our website. We are asking attendees to sit apart and masks are optional.
Sheilah Edmundson
Hi Neighbors,
I realize it has been a while since you've heard from me. The board has been on our usual hiatus for the months of July and August and will be returning to our regular monthly meeting schedule in September (more information below).
It's been a relatively quiet Summer for the board, but not so much for our residents. While 2020 was near historically one of the driest monsoon seasons on record, 2021 saw the wettest July since 2013 and the 17th wettest on record. During the major downpour in late July, several homes in our community were flooded and/or suffered roof, carport and tree damage during the late evening. The morning light showed the extent of the damage. I was shocked to see all the downed trees and roof damage the storm had caused. That evening was quite scary to say the least, but the community really came together to help with the clean up and provide food and comfort to those in need.
Thank you to all who helped, you are truly a blessing to us all.
On to the updates:
Landscape Maintenance Reminder
With our record breaking Monsoon rains this year along with high humidity, weeds are tending to sprout up seemingly overnight, therefore the ACC/Board is reminding homeowners that per the Community's rules and regulations, front yard plantings must be trimmed and weeds pulled/sprayed.
Weed spraying tip: For a more natural alternative to the traditional weed sprays, try filling a sprayer with vinegar (add salt for more stubborn weeds) and dish soap. The vinegar and salt naturally dries out the leaves and the soap allows the vinegar to stay on the leaves longer. Having recently tried this, I can honestly say it does work. Caution though, your yard will smell like a pickle, but not for long as the odor will dissipate.
Here is a link to the DIY recipe
Pool Closing
The Pool and Ramada area will be closed all day on Monday 9/13 until at least 5pm. Solar Safe will be installing our new pool cover that day and will need to use the entire area to sew the cover.
September Board Meeting
Our next Villa Monterey 6 BOD Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 14th at 6:00 pm in the Ramada. An agenda will be emailed to the community, posted in the pool breezeway and on our website.
Let me know if you have any questions
Sheilah Edmundson - Board Secretary
Hi Neighbors,
I am sending this announcement on behalf of Deb Weinstein, HOA Vice President and head of the Roof Rat Committee.
Effective immediately, the Board has decided to disband the Roof Rat Committee and rather lend out HOA Bait Stations to those in need. The reason is because aside from the rat population being in relative control, it has become increasingly difficult to get volunteers, other than board members, to monitor, move and replace bait stations throughout the neighborhood. Therefore, it will now be up to each homeowner to install and refill lent stations and bait.
Please read the attached (see Bait Station Indemification and Roof Rat Procedure Change forms under FORMS section) new procedures and tips to help you keep the rat population at bay. Also attached is a form that needs to be signed if you want to borrow a bait station and bait from the HOA.
We cannot backslide! As the weather gets warmer, the rats get more active. We have new neighbors who need to know what to do, as well as remind our long-standing neighbors that we must still be very diligent. If not, the rats will be back and with a vengeance!
If you have any questions please contact Deb Weinstein at
Sheilah Edmundson
Good evening neighbors,
I am passing along some sad news regarding Peggy Downing.
Peggy's daughters, Lori Wujek and Cindy Danner, wanted to let everyone know that their mom passed away peacefully on Sunday May 9th, Mother's Day after a long illness.
Lori and Cindy wanted to thank all of Peggy's friends and neighbors for their kindness. Peggy loved living here so much not only because of the area but because of the friends she made.
I regret that I did not get the chance to meet Peggy, but she clearly had an impact on others in the community. Sandra Galbraith fondly recalls "When I think of Peggy, I think of a caring, helpful lady who gave you her full attention, always helpful, generous and so positive with her can do attitude! And of course the best tangerine tree in the neighborhood! Peggy was a beautiful, kind, caring person who gave a lot to this community. When I moved here, she headed the food drive at the Ramada, which was always a huge success! A huge truck would pick up all the community donated food and bring it to various charities. The agencies stopped sending a truck and the food drive sadly stopped also. She is dearly missed! Her daughters are caring thoughtful, capable women who are truly sadden and miss their mom."
Attached is a write-up that Lori and Cindy wrote about Peggy. Also, if anyone would like to make a donation in her memory she had a special place in her heart for Special Olympics.
Sheilah Edmundson
Good evening neighbors,
I am passing along some sad news regarding Peggy Downing.
Peggy's daughters, Lori Wujek and Cindy Danner, wanted to let everyone know that their mom passed away peacefully on Sunday May 9th, Mother's Day after a long illness.
Lori and Cindy wanted to thank all of Peggy's friends and neighbors for their kindness. Peggy loved living here so much not only because of the area but because of the friends she made.
I regret that I did not get the chance to meet Peggy, but she clearly had an impact on others in the community. Sandra Galbraith fondly recalls "When I think of Peggy, I think of a caring, helpful lady who gave you her full attention, always helpful, generous and so positive with her can do attitude! And of course the best tangerine tree in the neighborhood! Peggy was a beautiful, kind, caring person who gave a lot to this community. When I moved here, she headed the food drive at the Ramada, which was always a huge success! A huge truck would pick up all the community donated food and bring it to various charities. The agencies stopped sending a truck and the food drive sadly stopped also. She is dearly missed! Her daughters are caring thoughtful, capable women who are truly sadden and miss their mom."
Attached is a write-up that Lori and Cindy wrote about Peggy. Also, if anyone would like to make a donation in her memory she had a special place in her heart for Special Olympics.
Sheilah Edmundson
Hello Neighbors,
I am sending tonight's newsletter on behalf of your Architectural Compliance Committee (ACC) Chairperson, Linda Brown, who has some reminders and helpful tips regarding the general landscape and property maintenance provisions found in the Villa Monterey 6 CC&Rs (section 4.12) and Rules and Regulations (Section II. Property Appearance and Maintenance).
These provisions are in place to keep our community looking it's best, so please take the time to read the following information and take the necessary actions to maintain your property. If you need help in any of these areas, reach out to Linda. Her super power is working with homeowners to find solutions.
General Landscape Maintenance - clearing out weeds and wildflowers
They’re Here!!! Weeds and Wildflowers! They seem to pop up over night! If not sprayed right away they will go to seed and spread in your yard and into your neighbor's yard. Your neighbor might work very hard to not have any weeds or wildflowers growing in their front yards, so lets all be neighborly and get them eliminated as soon as possible. Using the regular grass killers work, but if you don’t want to use that, most nursery’s, Ace Hardware, Amazon, Home Depot and Lowes carry extra-strength vinegar to kill your weeds.
Please note, if you leave for the summer your yard still needs to be maintained. Do you have arrangements with someone to check your yard and carport for weeds and debris at least once a month? During the summer is when plants grow the most and can quickly become overgrown. Also, the monsoon season can be tough on your yards with flying debris, leaves and palm fronds.
Screens for Garbage/Recycle Cans in Place by April 26th
The ACC has been consistently reminding homeowners that per the CC&Rs, garbage and/or recycle cans kept in the carport must be behind an ACC approved screen, yet there are still homeowners in non-compliance. If you intend to keep garbage/recycle cans in your carport, please take steps to submit a screen design to the ACC for approval and have in place by April 26th. Letters will be sent to homeowners in non-compliance which if not resolved in a timely manner could result in fines.
Sidewalk Repairs
Does your sidewalk need repairing? If so please email Linda Brown your address. If we get at least 3 at the same time the City of Scottsdale will fix it for free!
A few other important landscaping reminders
Fruit Trees- Ripened citrus must be removed from trees by June 1st. This is mainly to prevent and detour "roof rats" in the neighborhood. If you have questions or concerns regarding roof rats, please Contact Deb Weinstein -
Palm Tree Trimming - Palm Tree Trimming must be done by July 15th. It is imperative to trim your tall palms as they can cause major damage to homes, such as clogging roof drains and flooding of rooftops, especially during the Monsoon season.
Lamp Posts - Homeowners are responsible for the repairs and maintenance of their front lamp posts, except the HOA will replace bulbs and sensors at HOA expense. If you notice a bulb is out, please contact Chip Schneider, your VM6 lighting coordinator and he will check it out. Contact Chip Schneider -
Thank you!
Linda Brown - Architectural Compliance Committee Chair
Good Evening Neighbors,
The Board would like to thank those of you who attended the 53rd annual meeting on March 13th. We were very happy to see both new and long-time residents attend the Zoom call. The recording has been posted on our website.
Below are some highlights from the meeting along with regular updates.
Board Meeting Opening Comments
As we've done every year, the meeting opened with a moment of silence honoring those who had passed in 2020; Marty Maga, Ted Bielli and Gloria Wifler (former resident). We also welcomed new community residents in 2020/2021: Suzie Cary, Jennifer Ramsden, Nancy Rominek, Tom and Jo Anne Anton, The Harvey family (Cary Brook, Cary Gilbert and Brian), Lonnie & Pat Eichinger, Janet Harms, and Ed and Tori Weeks.
Last Year's Activities
The following are the Board's key accomplishments for 2020:
Landscape Renovation
Phase 1/1a of the Ramada and Pool area landscape renovation is complete. Phase 1b, which is adding more plant and gravel upgrades to finish the inside area of the brick wall, will be completed within the next few weeks.
Rat Report
Deb Weinstein (Vice President and head of the Rat Committee) reported that while rat activity has dramatically diminished, please remain diligent. The Rat Committee's efforts have been a huge success, so much that the Board is looking into revising the program and will share the details once they are finalized. We are heading into the fruit season and would like to remind you that for those of you with fruit trees, per community rules and regulations, ripened fruit must be removed from all fruit trees by June 1st.
ACC Report
Linda Brown, ACC Chairperson, provided helpful information on how the ACC works with homeowners to help them through the entire review and approval process, including approvals that may be needed by the City of Scottsdale Historical District. Essentially, anything you are planning to improve outside your home (i.e. paint, landscape, pathway, driveway, awnings) please contact Linda and she will guide you through the process.
Speaking of paint, if you are considering painting the exterior of your home, the ACC has notebooks you can borrow with pre-approved paint colors that home owners can select from or use as inspiration for your own color choice. If you would like to check out a notebook, please contact
Linda at
ACC request forms and step by step instructions can be found on our website
2021 Board Election
Below are your 2021 Board Members:
Pete Marsden - President
Deb Weinstein - Vice President
Jim Edmundson - Treasurer
Sheilah Edmundson - Secretary
Linda Brown - Director and ACC Chairperson
Chip Schneider - Director and Lamp Post Maintenance
Sally Settle - Director
Ramada Open for Gatherings and Reservations
In an Executive Order issued today, Governor Ducey lifted restrictions impacting HOAs. Effective immediately, the Ramada is officially open for gatherings, including Friday Happy Hour 5-7pm, and reservations. It's been a very long year and the Board appreciates your understanding and patience for when we had to abruptly close the Ramada due to the pandemic.
Following CDC guidelines is encouraged. Click on the link for updated guidelines:
April Board Meeting - Going Live!
The April BOD meeting will be held at the Ramada on Tuesday, April 13th at 6:00pm. An agenda will be emailed to the community, posted in the pool breezeway and on our website. We will be keeping within CDC social distancing guidelines and sitting 6 ft. from each other. Masks are encouraged, but not mandatory.
Sheilah Edmundson
480 297-7646
Hi Neighbors,
In this Special Holiday Edition newsletter, I am very pleased to announce that we had over 30 homes that were decorated and judged for the Holiday Decorations Competition. Six judges braved the cold and wandered the neighborhood scoring each home on creativity, uniqueness, complexity and music. I want to thank all of you who decorated and brought joy to our community in what has been a very difficult time for everyone.
Following are pictures and stories of inspiration from our winners and honorable mentions. As you read their stories, I think you will find a common theme that is deeply rooted in tradition, family/friends and wanting to spread hope during these extraordinary times.
As a reminder, the winners received a sign in their yard, featured in the prestigious special holiday edition newsletter and bragging rights ALL YEAR LONG! Oh, and a box of chocolates for winners and honorable mentions was involved as well.
I realize the pictures are a little small, so coming soon, you can go to our website to view these and all pictures of the fantastically decorated homes on our website
Winner! - Paula and Rob's inspiration comes from a long tradition of decorating for their children. Paula and Rob are very proud of their children who are essential front line front line nurses and a son-in-law who works the COVID ICU. The decorations are both old and new. Rudolph, featured in the center, is over 40 years old (Rob has taken really good care of Rudolph) and the blue icicles are a new addition representing wishes we can make on falling stars. Along with the decorations, Rob set calm and upbeat music meant to align with the decorations, yet also reflect the seriousness of pandemic. Paula and Rob's wish for all is to have a calm and hopeful holiday season. After decorating, Paula and Rob went virtual and sent a video of the decorations and music to their children who of course loved it as much as we do. Congratulations Paula and Rob!
Honorable Mention - Karen Brosnan's inspiration comes from her father, a Swedish immigrant who was very diligent about working very hard at having the family's home be the most festive in the neighborhood with lighting and décor for Christmas. He even fashioned custom framing to keep the lights and foliage perfectly aligned in the windows. He also honored the Jewish tradition with a menorah 🕎 in the front window as well. He felt that to be “good luck” ! Karen thinks of him as she adds her own décor to her home. A generational tradition she will continue until no longer able. 😍 And one other fun fact, Karen's Dad and Ulla Withrow were both born and raised in Gothenburg, Sweden. I think they have the same philosophy on holiday decorating as Ulla's decorations are quite beautiful as well.
Winner! - Winner of the Lamp Post Decorations goes to new resident Suzie Cary. If you look very close at the base of the lamp post (forgive my lack of photography skills), you will see the 3 deer who are the inspiration to Suzie's overall decorations. These deer were given to her by her 'dear' friends who moved to Arizona from Australia. When her best friends decided to move back to Australia, they entrusted the deer to Suzie's care. While Suzie misses her friends, she is comforted knowing they will forever be connected by the deer. Each year Suzie lets her grand children place them wherever they want. I'd say her grandchildren chose well this year! Congratulations Suzie and what a way to make a first impression in the neighborhood!
Honorable Mention - Other than the traditional menorah in the window, Deb doesn't usually decorate to this extent, but this year was different. In addition to the menorah in the first floor window, Deb with the help of her son Adam and his girlfriend Leah, wrapped the lamp post with the traditional blue and silver colors of Hanukkah. Deb's inspiration comes from wanting to spread joy in the neighborhood and capture the meaning of Hanukkah. One of the cornerstones of celebrating Hanukkah is lighting the menorah each of the 8 nights of the holiday. Lighting the menorah can remind us that a little bit of light can dispel a lot of darkness. I think Deb captured what she set out to do!
I wish everyone Happy Holiday's and a Blessed New Year.
My love to you all!
Sheilah Edmundson
Good evening neighbors,
I have good news and not so good news to convey this evening. I'm not very good at conveying the 'not so good news', in fact you could say I'm the proverbial softy in most situations. Just ask my dog Kassia. She pretty much gets anything she wants. How could anyone say NO to this face! This look guarantees her a treat every time.
Deep it goes. Good news is the Pool/Ramada landscape renovations are starting soon. Not so good news is that the Board has officially cancelled the annual Holiday Party this year. You are probably not surprised by this, but I for one am sad. I very much look forward to the Holiday Party. My favorite part, besides eating lasagna, is serving the food. Gives me a chance to say hello to everyone. Besides, Deb Weinstein and I have developed quite the serving system.
Those are the highlights, read on for more details below.
Phase I. of the Pool/Ramada Landscape Renovation Has Begun!
You may have noticed, that the front of our community area has tape around the perimeter of the former grass area, yet the sidewalk remains open & clear for homeowners to enter through the gate. There will be activity in the area mid-week on Tuesday, Nov. 24th & Wednesday, Nov. 25th, most work will be in the morning, yet there might be some disruption to use the front gate due to workmen, but the Medlock gate is clear of any work.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but it’s only temporary, and will be worth it!
Ramada Reservations Suspended Until Further Notice
Over the past few months I've had to deny several requests from residents who want to reserve the Ramada for family celebrations. It's not our preference and it might seem a little drastic, but we do have our reasons. While the Ramada seems like the ideal place for residents and their families to gather outdoors, our lawyers advised that we need to protect the community as we have no way to assure guests are following social distancing, wearing masks and sanitizing the area once the event is over. The Board appreciates your patience and understanding. I will let the community know when we can start taking reservations again.
Speaking of Gatherings....No Holiday Party this Year
As I said, I'm sure this comes as no surprise, but the Board has decided to cancel this year's annual Holiday Party. We will all certainly miss the good food (Lasagna and Olive Garden break sticks) and catching up with our neighbors who we haven't seen since this past Summer. I am forever hopeful next year will be different!
December 14th Board Meeting
Our next Villa Monterey 6 BOD Meeting will be held on Monday, December 14th at 6:00 pm in the Ramada. An agenda will be emailed to the community, posted in the pool breezeway and on our website. We will be keeping CDC social distancing guidelines, wearing masks and sitting 6 ft. from each other. If you are planning on attending bring your face covering.
Happy Thanksgiving. Take Care!
Sheilah Edmundson
Good Evening Neighbors,
Are you ready for some rain this weekend?! I am! I forgot to put my usual stationary border around the newsletter last week, so I'm making up for it today.
If you haven't had a chance to take a look at the repairs on the pool/Ramada brick wall both inside and out, you might be missing out. As you may recall, we painted the wrought iron last summer and now with the brick wall repair, it looks almost brand new.
The crew should be wrapping it up this weekend. Soon after the landscaping renovations in front of the main gated area will begin. I will keep you updated on the progress there as well.
Attached is Monday's Board Meeting Agenda.
Please note: If less than 10 homeowners attend (including the Board) we will hold the meeting under the Ramada, with masks on and social distanced at 6 feet apart. However, if more than 10 people are in attendance, we will ask the community to sit outside the Ramada with the same mask and social distancing guidelines. Masks will be mandatory, if you are not wearing a mask, we will ask you to leave, but you may come back with one.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Sheilah Edmundson
Hi Neighbors,
Good Evening Neighbors,
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. In these final hours of Sunday I am thinking about the potentially stressful week ahead. Lucky for me my birthday lands near election day thereby guaranteeing it to be a most memorable day in my life. These past two elections certainly have proven that! This year, no matter the outcome and to maintain my sanity, I am going to stay positive and focus on how grateful I am for the blessings in our lives. Besides, who can be stressed when clearly your dog isn't?
On to the updates...
Brick Wall Repair and Phase I Landscape Renovation Update
On Saturday our contractor and his crew began repairing the brick wall facing 77th street. The crew was able to make good headway and has nearly completed stuccoing the interior side of the wall. So far it's looking really good! If you get a chance go take a look. The repairs are expected to go through at least Thursday, with work going from 7am - 2pm each day. Since Mother Nature can't seem to let go of the 90 degree weather , some of you may still be wanting to use the pool. But no worries, the front/main gate is remaining open while the crew works.
Once the wall repair is complete, we will move to Phase I of the landscape renovations. I will keep you posted on when exactly that work will begin and estimated completion.
Pool and Spa Cover Reminder
Despite the daytime heat, our nights do get chilly which means it's very important that when you use the pool or spa, please pull the cover back on when you leave. This can help us save on our utility bills. As my sweet and patient husband says when he's running around turning off lights in every room I've just been in, INSTANT SAVINGS!
November Board Meeting
Our next Villa Monterey 6 BOD Meeting will be held on Monday, November 9th at 6:00 pm in the Ramada. An agenda will be emailed to the community, posted in the pool breezeway and on our website. We will be keeping within CDC social distancing guidelines, wearing masks and sitting 6 ft. from each other. Please be sure to wear a mask if you are planning on attending.
Have a great week!
Sheilah Edmundson
Hi Neighbors,
Fall is in the air and I for one have been enjoying our cooler mornings. With the cooler weather I look forward to many things such as baking cookies (which you all know I love to do), walking the dog in the afternoon vs. the wee hours of the morning, and especially welcoming back our snow bird neighbors. There is a lot going on with the community as we have changes to the Board and Pool and Ramada landscaping. Read on for more detail.
Changes on the Board
Jim Villota has made the decision to resign from the Board due to personal reasons. The Board would like to sincerely thank Jim for his contributions as a Director and the ACC Chairperson. In order to maintain a 6 person Board, Linda Brown will be rejoining as Director and ACC Chairperson.
Note: If you are thinking about exterior improvements (eg. painting, front landscaping, windows, or doors just to name a few), please contact Linda at she can help guide you through the ACC approval process. You can also refer to our website,, for the ACC guideline and request forms.
Landscape Renovations
In the upcoming months, the pool and Ramada landscape will be going through some renovations. You may have already noticed that the bushes lining the inside of the brick wall have been removed. The bushes were removed so that much needed repairs can be made to the crumbling brick wall. Besides showing it's age, the bricks are showing signs of water damage as well. Therefore, we are also looking into renovating the landscaping at the main entrance (in front of the fencing) to be water conservation friendly. We will provide more detail, including visuals, as plans get finalized.
Watch for HOA Dues Announcement
Watch for a very important email/letter announcement regarding Villa Monterey 6 HOA dues. The letter will be both emailed and hand distributed to all residents this week.
October Board Meeting
Our next Villa Monterey 6 BOD Meeting will be held on Monday, October 12th at 6:00 pm in the Ramada. An agenda will be emailed to the community, posted in the pool breezeway and on our website. We will be keeping within CDC social distancing guidelines, wearing masks and sitting 6 ft. from each other. If you are planning on attending bring water and a mask (recommended).
Sheilah Edmundson
Hello Neighbors!
I think Summer is winding down? Hopefully Mother Nature agrees with me and we can start enjoying some cooler temps. Does under 110 qualify? At least we didn't have the huge temperature swing that Denver,CO had earlier this week where in the morning you're wearing flip flops and by the end of the day you're shoveling snow. It's certainly been a crazy year and nothing surprises me anymore.
I am looking forward to our Board Meeting and hope some of you can make it. If you do decide to come, we recommend you bring a face covering and water.
The meeting is Monday, September 14th at 6:00 pm in the Ramada. Attached is the agenda and it will also be posted in the pool breezeway and on our website.
Take Care
Sheilah Edmundson
Hello Neighbors,
The Board's Summer hiatus is coming to an end and overall it's been pretty quiet in Villa Monterey 6. Which is a good thing considering what is going on in the world around us. I think we can all agree that it's been a very strange year and hope that next year will be better. In the words of Edgar Allen Poe, "Hope springs eternal in the human breast." Hope is the belief one holds during difficult circumstances things will get better. Most days I do believe things will get better. In some cases, for me, they already have. I call them my lemonade moments. I've been spending more cherished time with my daughter and Jim is remodeling the upstairs bathroom. I've seen my family, who lives in Colorado, now more than ever. Albeit over Zoom, but none the less I'm very grateful. You might ask, "how do you know things will get better?" My answer is, "I don't know how, I just have faith that it will."
On to the updates:
New ACC Resident Concern Form
Listening to resident concerns is important to the Board and we needed to come up with a way to record a concern and track what the resolution was. The ACC has created a form for residents to voice their concerns regarding neighborhood compliance to the CC&Rs.
You can access the form either from the VM6 website ( or the new ACC forms box located in the pool breezeway. Once you complete the form, deliver to any board member, drop in the mailbox at the pool or mail to the address at the pool. Please note: The ACC will only address written concerns. All urgent problems affecting the safety, habitability or function of Common Area facilities or property should be communicated immediately to any Board member.
Concealing Trash Bins in Your Car Port
According to the CC&Rs Section 2.7, garbage containers can be stored in your carport, but must be kept screened behind adequate planting or fencing so they are concealed from the view of neighboring lots and street. Below is just one example of a screen that can be built in your carport to hide trash bins. All screens must be approved by the ACC. An ACC request form can be found on the VM6 website. If you have any questions please contact Jim Villota ( to explore your options.
Please be advised that during the recent high winds and storms on Thursday, 8/20, the 3 tables and umbrellas blew over. Fortunately, there was no damage to the tables or umbrellas. In order to prevent any possible future damage, the Board decided to store the umbrellas in the Ladies rest room area. If you desire to have an umbrella up while at the pool, please make sure to take it down and return it to the Ladies Rest Room. We will keep the umbrellas down until the end of the Monsoon Season. Sorry for the inconvenience.
It's political season and according to our CC&Rs section 2.6.4, political signs are permitted, but cannot be installed earlier than 71 days before the day of an election and must be removed within three days after an election day. Political signs on an Owner's Lot cannot exceed nine square feet. Note: If you see someone stealing a political sign from your or your neighbor's yard you can call Scottsdale Police. This has already happened to one of our neighbors and not only is it disappointing, it's against the law. From my experience, the police do take complaints seriously in our neighborhood and will follow up.
Our next Villa Monterey 6 BOD Meeting will be held on Monday, September 14th at 6:00 pm in the Ramada. An agenda will be emailed to the community, posted in the pool breezeway and on our website. We will be keeping within CDC social distancing guidelines, wearing masks and sitting 6 ft. from each other. If you are planning on attending bring water and a mask (recommended).
Sheilah Edmundson
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Please note our 2025 HOA dues will be $525.00 due Jan.31st, 2025. This is the projected 3 % increase over last year.
February 11 th, 5:30 pm next board meeting Ramada. See you there !!!